Symposium 2025 Registration Open

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Ways To Give

Give Online

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Give By Mail

Checks payable to “Logan University” should be mailed to:

Logan University
Attn: Institutional Advancement
1851 Schoettler Road
Chesterfield, MO 63017

Please note Capital Campaign on the memo line.

Payroll Deductions

Payroll deduction is an easy way for University employees to make gifts directly and automatically from a paycheck.

When you make a payroll deduction gift, you may instruct the University to withhold a minimum contribution of $5 per check for a period of time (no less than 12 months) or until you instruct us to discontinue the withholding.

To make your gifts via payroll deduction, simply complete the Payroll Deduction Authorization Form.

If you have any questions, please contact Development at 636-230.1877.

Payroll Deduction Form

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

EFTs, or monthly bank drafts, are a convenient way to establish regular support for Logan. For specific EFT instructions, please contact or (636) 230-1877.

Matching Gifts

Ask your employer if they have a matching gift program.


By donating common stocks, bonds, mutual funds and other appreciated securities, you may also receive tax benefits such as avoiding long-term capital gains tax and income-tax deductions. Contact Logan’s Office of Institutional Advancement or your financial advisor or banker to get started.

Planned Giving

It is never too early to start thinking about the legacy you want to leave behind. A planned gift to Logan University can enable you to directly impact the success of our future students, faculty and staff.

Heritage Society members invest in the University’s future through a planned gift. Your generosity is a catalyst for positive change and inspires others to make a difference. Join the Heritage Society today!

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Contact Us

Theresa Fleck, MA, CFRE, CAE
Vice President, Institutional Advancement
(636) 230-1922

Bryan Stone, MA, CFRE
Senior Director of Development
(636) 230-1849

Leesha West

Leesha Andereck
Advancement Services and Stewardship Manager
(636) 230-1877

The resources needed to respond to the fast changing landscape of education and the cost to continuously provide the most up-to-date technology can be limiting for any university. The total cost of the planned renovation and new construction is approximately $28 million. Recognizing the importance of affordability, and the need to control tuition growth to a sustainable level, the university’s Board of Trustees has committed to funding this project through three efforts: financing through an existing long-term relationship with the university’s banking partner, a strategic spend in cash reserves, and a fundraising campaign. By supporting the Advancing Education, Transforming Lives campaign, our community has the potential to be the vital component in the ongoing success of Logan graduates. Logan has provided the foundation for these future leaders to develop, but it will take the collective support of the entire community to ensure the opportunity exists.

Your impact goes beyond simply encouraging current Logan students. Your support makes a significant difference to the thousands of future patients our alumni and students will treat. Patients deserve to be managed by the most skilled practitioners using up-to-date and effective techniques. As chiropractic care is a constantly changing environment, the support of our alumni and friends provides a much-needed resource to help keep Logan’s curriculum, facilities and equipment current.